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How to get file extension in php

In this post we will learn How to get the file extension using php. If you have some files of different types like "tas.jpg", "tas.doc"; and needt to find the extions like .jpg , .doc. It is easily done in php. In php there has many ways to find the file extension.
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Here include some concept to get the file extension using php

Using patinfo() function

To find file extension using php pathinfo() function is more useful.
In this method file extension can found from url and if has many dots.
function file_extension($filename){
    $path_info = pathinfo($filename);
    return $path_info['extension'];

Using pathinfo() we also get the parts of url or file location
 $path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/inc/');

 echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n";
 echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n";
 echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n";
 echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; // since PHP 5.2.0

Using explode()

    $filename = "";
    $extension = end(explode(".",$filename));
    echo $extension;


Using function we use the explode()
    $filename = "";
    function file_ext($file)
  return end(explode(".",$filename));
    echo file_ext($filename);



Using sub srting

uses string manipulation to get the extension and grabs the dot(.) character.
 $filename = 'filename.blah.txt';
 function getFileExtension($filename){
   return substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.'));

 echo getFileExtension($filename);

 $filename = 'filename.blah.txt'; 
 $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
 echo $ext;
 $filename = 'filename.blah.txt'; 
 function get_file_extension($file_name){
  return substr(strrchr($file_name,'.'),1);
 echo get_file_extension($file_name);

Get the file extension using PHP regular expression

 $filename = 'filename.pdf';
 $ext = preg_replace('/^.*\.([^.]+)$/D', '$1', $filename);
 echo  $ext;
 $file = 'sad.asdfasdf.asdfa.sdf.ffff';


 echo $ext[0];

// outputs: 
 $exts = split("[/\\.]", $filename);
 $n = count($exts)-1;
 $ext = $exts[$n];
 echo $ext;

 $filename = 'filename.pdf';
 function file_ext($filename) {
  if( !preg_match('/\./', $filename) ) return '';
  return preg_replace('/^.*\./', '', $filename);
 echo  file_ext($filename);

Get the file extension using PHP regular expression

$filenames = array(
    'PHP Tutorial from Nashruddin.pdf',
    'another, weird, file.jpeg',
    'my favorite song.mp3'
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
    preg_match("/\.([^\.]+)$/", $filename, $matches);    
    print $matches[1] . '
'; } /* will print: jpg html pdf extension jpeg mp3 */ ?>

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