There are many website where yo can find wordpress blog template. Yo can also found this link from wordpress. Download atemplae file as a zip file file. And sore it anywhere in your pc.
1. Your deafult template look like this
2. You can login to customize your template. After login you can see your dashboard. In your dashboard menu find the appearance tab and click it. Click on themes
3. CLick on install themees
4. Click on the upload link which are indicated
5. Click on the choose file. Then a file open box window will open. Now open your downloadable theme in your pc directory as like shown in the above picture and click on Install now. Now you can see this message.
6. Click on the activate link to activate or you can see preveiw on click on the link of preview and then activate.
7. After activating , your changes usccefully occered and open your webpage to see the changes. Look the above picture. Your blog aslo change in this way.
8. Click on the appereance->widgets from your dashboard, the below picture will show this. Now here you can manage your addons by dragging.
9. Click on the appereance->background from your dashboard, you can change your background from your pc
10. You can renove the background images also.
11. Click on the appereance->header from your dashboard, you can customize your blog header
12. Click on the apperance->editor from your dashboard, where you can customize uor templaet manually. If you don not know about this please leave this now. Whwn you work in this editor one thing must remind that you can backup this template or code
13 . Now let's go to design your blog
![](configuration file.png)
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